<aside> 👉 **KKBM24 Volunteer Shifts Coordinator: Annie Xiong

Volunteer Shift Sign Up Form** available to select shifts on 3pm August 12th (3pm August 11th for build week). At 3pm, you will receive an email allowing you to edit this doc. If you still need access please request access to the doc in the doc directly.


Why Do We Need To Volunteer?


  1. Read the descriptions for the job roles (if you'd like more info on any teams, please the Wiki)
  2. Select shifts that add up to the minimum 7.5 hours (+0.5 hours if you’re not staying for breakdown Monday)
    1. Mon build crew is exempt from shifts. Wed build crew require 6.5 hours.
    2. Please select 7.5 or 8 hours but no more than that for now, as we'd like to keep opportunities open for others. If more hours are available, we will reach out.
    3. To unselect / clear your name, hit backspace / delete.
  3. Select breakdown shifts that add up to at least 8 hours before you leave playa.
  4. Please check the "Total Hours" sheet to see if you've met your hours requirements.

Missing a shift?
